Buttons as Images

Buttons as Images

It is possible to replace any or all buttons using images.

This can be achieved by changing the values of the xbutton*** configuration settings - where the *** generally refers to the text on the button you are attempting to modify.

To use an image for these buttons, you need to upload the image to your server, and then insert the path to this image in the xbutton*** setting.

Sign Up Button on shopcustadminlogin.asp

Your code may need to be modified to allow you to display an image for this button.

Open up shopproductsubs.asp and around line 940 locate the following code:

If getconfig("xAllowcustomerregister")="Yes" Then%>
  <div align="right"><input type="button" class="submitbtn" value="<%=getlang("langcommonsignup")%>" onclick="location.href='shopcustregister.asp'"></div>
<%end if
  <div align="right"><input type="button" class="submitbtn" value="<%=getlang("langcommonsignup")%>" onclick="location.href='shopcustomer.asp?new=yes'"></div>

Change this code to read:

If getconfig("xAllowcustomerregister")="Yes" Then%>
  <br><br><br> <!---------------------button image------------>
  <div align="right"><input type="image" src="path/yourbutton.gif" height="24" width="87" border="0" alt="Sign Up" onclick="location.href='shopcustregister.asp'"></div>
<%end if
  <br><br><br><!---------------------button image------------>
  <div align="right">"><input type="image" src="path/yourbutton.gif" height="24" width="87" border="0" alt="Sign Up" onclick="location.href='shopcustomer.asp?new=yes'"></div>

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